
How to Achieve Work/Life Balance

First blog in the series was an overview of work/life balance and what it means . Now we will dive deeper in on How to Achieve Work/Life Balance. Some main points: 1- Make time to connect with others #relationships There was a Ted Talk 75 year study on happiness and those people who were happier were those who actively worked to replace workmates with new playmates. What are you doing to develop new relationships or grow deeper in the ones you have? 2- Say NO It’s okay to say no sometimes. A “no” doesn’t have to mean a no forever, but it can mean a no for right now. Saying no to some things is crucial to achieving work/life balance and it’s a powerful thing. 3- REST Take 1 day a week and do not do any work. Just try it and maybe you’ll see that you feel more rejuvenated and get more work done on other days of the week. You can use this as a renewal day, read a book and/or catch up with friends. Try not to just binge watch TV. Some TV is alright but it’s just a dis...

THRIVE Coaching

Living for the weekend…. Dreading Mondays….Not loving your job….Not making time for FUN…..Stressed…..Unhappy…..Fear of being alone…...Wanting variety…..Wanting to make a lot of $$$......Wanting good quality relationships…. Lacking positive energy…. Lacking confidence…. Bored…. Is this YOU? I’ve been listening to my clients and friends tell me these stories for years. They tell me about their struggles and their seems to be lots of common themes so I’ve decided to make content around those things. THRIVE Alive Coaching will be an online coaching group program based on our THRIVE Formula. T= time. We will talk about work/life balance and the meaning of success. H= have FUN. Creating new, novel experiences. R= relationships. Connecting with others authentically. I= interests. Doing hobbies/activities YOU enjoy on a regular basis. #playmore V= vitality. Making sure you have a strong, active and lively life. #movemore E= enthusiasm. Positive energy, joy, & happi...

Consistency + Motivation = Results

This year I trained for my first national competition called CG Games (Camp Gladiator). Not only did I have to be strong, and agile but have endurance, and speed as well. There are 5 events: strength, agility, endurance, interval and peak (which was an obstacle course). It took months of training leading up to nationals to really see a difference in my strength and speed and that’s what I want to teach you- that consistent action over time is what gets results . You cannot expect to workout one day and wake up the next morning with your body looking different. You cannot choose to eat right one day and expect to lose weight. It takes consistent action over time. They key is consistent! You have to be patient and one day you will see a difference. Also, in order to reach your goals you have to know your WHY, your motivation for change. I learned a big lesson in this but once I got mine I remembered it in the hard times. I remembered it when I woke up at 5 in the morning a...

WHY- 7 Layers Deep

When we need to find motivation for change We Start by Digging Deep Into Our WHY We all have struggles in reaching our goals, but without knowing WHY we have them it’s easy to slip and get off track. This exercise is called “LOOKING 7 LEVELS DEEP” and here’s what you do: Write down the #1 reason why you have this goal ___________________________ Then LOOK ANOTHER LEVEL DEEPER and ask yourself why that #1 reason is important to you? Then go even 5 more levels deep until you’ve asked yourself WHY to your previous answer 7 Levels deep. Once you have THE FINAL 7th level WHY, please share it with me so I can keep you accountable. Here is an example of how to go 7 levels deep: I want to lose 10 lbs I want to lose 10 lbs because I feel unhealthy I don’t want to feel unhealthy because I’d like to have more energy for my partner & job. I’d like to have more energy for my partner and job because I’m missing out on spending quality time with him/her ...

FUN Partner Workout

Working out is always better with a buddy, so grab a friend and sweat together. *For this workout you will need a TRX suspension trainer, but I have included a substitution if you do not have one at your gym. Instructions : One partner will be doing a HOLD while the other does REPS. Start with 1 REP and then 2, up to 6. Example : Partner A does 1 TRX Row (while the other is holding). Then Partner B does 1 TRX Row (while partner A is holding). Partner A does 2 Rows, then Partner B 2 Rows, etc. Keep alternating back and forth until you get to 6. Exercise 1: TRX Rows (or supermans laying on mat)/ Row HOLD Exercise 2: Squats (squat jump for advanced option)/ Squat HOLD Exercise 3: TRX Pushup (Or regular pushups on ground)/ Pushup HOLD Exercise 4: V ups/Boat pose HOLD Exercise 5: Bridges/ Bridge HOLD Second time around you can start with 6 REPS of each and go down to 1. ***THRIVE on!*** AUTHOR: Amanda Fontaine is considered th...

The THRIVE Formula

Living for the weekend…. Dreading Mondays….Not loving your job….Not making time for FUN…..Stressed…..Unhappy…..Fear of being alone…...Wanting variety…..Wanting to make a lot of $$$......Wanting good quality relationships…. Lacking positive energy…. Lacking confidence…. Bored…. Is this YOU? I’ve been listening to my clients and friends tell me these stories for years. They tell me about their struggles and their seems to be lots of common themes so I’ve decided to make content around those things. THRIVE Alive will be launching our first ever online coaching program based on our THRIVE Formula. T= time. We will talk about work/life balance and the meaning of success. H= have FUN. Creating new, novel experiences R= relationships. Connecting with others authentically I= interests. Doing hobbies/activities YOU enjoy on a regular basis. #playmore V= vitality. Making sure you have a strong, active and lively life. #movemore E= enthusiasm. Positive energy, joy, & ...

How Amanda Plays

In this blog I want to share some examples of how I’ve used play in different aspects of my life:  Play in my relationship I was struggling with being snappy, and short with my boyfriend. In addition to praying for patience and to be slow to anger, I decided to make this a game. Every time I acted this way he could say “Angelica”. For those of you who didn’t grow up in the 90s with me, she is a cartoon character who appears in Nickelodeon's show Rugrats. She is the spoiled brat and serves as the main antagonist of the series. This way he could point out to me in a funny way how I was acting and then it could lighten the mood and we could joke about it. Play at work My coworkers and I constantly make funny comments and pick on each other in a loving way. Not a day goes by that we don’t laugh at each other for something. It makes us all in a better m...