
Showing posts from September, 2018

The THRIVE Formula

Living for the weekend…. Dreading Mondays….Not loving your job….Not making time for FUN…..Stressed…..Unhappy…..Fear of being alone…...Wanting variety…..Wanting to make a lot of $$$......Wanting good quality relationships…. Lacking positive energy…. Lacking confidence…. Bored…. Is this YOU? I’ve been listening to my clients and friends tell me these stories for years. They tell me about their struggles and their seems to be lots of common themes so I’ve decided to make content around those things. THRIVE Alive will be launching our first ever online coaching program based on our THRIVE Formula. T= time. We will talk about work/life balance and the meaning of success. H= have FUN. Creating new, novel experiences R= relationships. Connecting with others authentically I= interests. Doing hobbies/activities YOU enjoy on a regular basis. #playmore V= vitality. Making sure you have a strong, active and lively life. #movemore E= enthusiasm. Positive energy, joy, &